50 years old......what a mind-load.
As one might expect, alot of my thinking is way different now. And most of it is very hard to explain unless you are approaching or are already 50 or older. It used to seem SO old....now, not so much.
Ideas, ideals, thought processes, my level of physicality and spitituality is way different from what it used to be; as it should be. Thank God for growth and change!!!
Don't ask me for too many specifics just yet, because I am still discovering this new "me" as well. One of the blessings of getting older started in my forties. I started waking up and was just not so concerned with the approval of others, I did not need to extend myself so much, and gradually entertained less and less the idea of wanting or needing to extend myself to those with different agendas, but also realizing that most folks are just trying to do the best they can.
I am learning not to take life too personally....shit happens...it just does. Not to me, not necessiarily because of me, it just does. Deal with it and all will be fine in the end. I will make more mistakes, and in the process of living have learned to be easier on myself as I amend percieved misfortunes. I will do good things, some with intention and some accidentially. I think I will reward myself with contentment, not with something to show off.
I have a new language to learn, a new way of communication, both as a more mature person and as an expatriate to Costa Rica. I have many new adventures to share with Dennis, more stories, more memories to gain, more experience to share and rely upon.
I above all, have more peace, contentment, and happiness now, than I have ever dared to dream about. I have Dennis to thank for much of this. "Thank you, Dennis" you lead the way.
Dennis had a birthday on June 7. Wish him Happy Birthday or Feliz Cumpleanos......

happy birthday to you both!! i sent you an email, hope you got it. hope all is well...
Feliz cumpleanos a ti
happy birthday to you and dennis... i really enjoy reading your blog... thanks!
Happy Birthday to both of you. Looks like you had a good time.
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