About two weeks ago, at around 3:30 in the morning, I hear a pppptttttthhhhh. ppppttttthhhhh. pppptttthhhhhhh.
Something is flying around the bedroom.
I lay there and listen. I decided it was not one our finches that had somehow gotten out of the cage. Besides, they sleep all night, anyway. As my eyes adjust, I see it flying around from one window to the next.
A bat!!
I wake Dennis up and we are now wondering how to get it out......how it got in, is a mystery as well.
As I go to open the door so maybe we can shoo it toward the outside, Dennis fans a t-shirt at it and hits it, of course, knocking it down. We thought we had killed it. Anyway, I put it outside on the window ledge and left it alone. It stayed there all day, breathing but very still. We checked on it often and I found it to be very interesting as I had never seen one so close before. We assumed it was dying and would bury it in the park across the street.
Well, we come home that evening and it was gone. Hopefully it got its strength back and took off. Happy ending.....!!
Hey, be careful of bats they carry rabies. good to hear from you, I was wandering how you were haven't heard from you in a week or so. no blog or emails. Dad will start his treatments Friday, hope he does well.
that gives me chills...ick!!
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