Dennis surprised me with a trip to Boca del Toros, Panama to celebrate our 8 years together!! He knows I LOVE this type of trip to include, snorkeling among coral reefs, toucans in the trees, fried fish with a sassy Carribben sauce ladeled over it and a cold beer to wash it down. There are excursions to islands with dolphins along the way, guided tours to let you in on local secrets and shopping and exploring in quaint shops and roadside vendor sheds. Boca del Toros is an archapelago along the north western coast of Panama, not too terribly far from the Costa Rican border. We took a bus to enjoy the trip along the way.....well, things took a different turn. The biggest rain storm since 1944 started soaking the area on Friday evening just after we arrived and it did not completely stop raining, at any time, while we were there. Many areas are still flooded, banana plantations are ruined, homes are washed away and many, many people are displaced. Our 3 day trip ended up being a 6 day trip. The roads were washed out or flooded, we lost phone, email, and cell phone service. The ocean was too rough to cross, of course and until Wednesday, no air travel. However, we were safe and sound in our hotel room and there was plenty of food, books to read, rest to catch up on and lots of heart to heart talks. Maybe it is best it worked out this way. It was a great weekend, but just not what we had in mind. Never let it be said, we don't make the best of it, which is what we did. Thanks, Dennis....a very special weekend it was, indeed!!!

Getting ready to cross the border.

Yep, this is the bride that crosses the Sixaola River seperating Costa Rica and Panama. It is one lane and is shared with pedestrians, trains, cars and trucks. A few go one way for a while, then it is the other side's turn.

Whew!! Made it....passport is stamped, and we are all ready to re-board the bus and head out!

We took a water taxi out to Bocas del Toro. This is what many of the homes look like along the way.

We arrived on Friday evening and this is what we woke up to on Saturday morning. Man, did it ever rain. It may still be raining!

With a slight reprieve from the rain, we poked around town. This is a map of the area in front of a tour boat business. The island on the top right is where we were. Mainland Panama is at the bottom of the map. Use google earth and check it out for yourself!

Love this picture!!

Well, by Monday the rains had slowed and there were periods when it actually did not rain. Our tour guide did put together a little bus tour and took us to a cave with a sacred statue that used to disappear when removed, but always made it back to this spot by the next morning. So it has be shrined at the mouth of this cave. Whatever....anyway, a rather interesting place nonetheless.

Panamanians hanging out.

Beach soccer, anyone?

Wednesday morning and finally some blue sky!! Nice shot of part of the water front in Bocas.

A bit of a bumpy flight but, finally safe and sound back in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Nanny told me about the rough weather and trying to get back. Looks like you guys had fun. We missed you at Thanksgiving. Love Ya!!
glad your back blogging... missed ya... that bridge is scary... love the picture of the 3 people on the horse with an umbrella :)
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