Yep, where there is smoke, there is fire. Here's the story: Saturday Dennis had to work so I decide to go downtown to the Central Market and take some pics for a blog (previous blog). As you see in the photos it had begun to rain. Now, the rainy season has just started and it started raining much earlier in the day than I anticipated. But, hey, we all know the weather don't wear no watch and don't use no calender.
No big deal. If you live here, you carry an umbrella and go on about your business. I had planned to get an exotic lunch in the Central Market, but changed my mind when I looked up at the Q-Cafe and saw an available table. I like the Q-Cafe with its stylishly cosmopolitian New York-ish open second floor.
I get my table, place an order for a cup of coffee and thai chicken salad. In a very few minutes the waiters start pointing out the other side of the cafe as well as the kitchen help is coming out to see what is happening. I also notice the folks on the street are starting to stop and look upward. You know it!!! I had to get up and go see myself. Thank goodness I did not see what my dirty mind thought I might see......
A fire has broken out across the street at a third floor restaurant that backs up to a mission for folks in recovery. It does not take long for a crowd to form, and smoke to start leaking into the restaurant I am in.....a little heat creaping over too as the fire, which started out as you see in the pics, starts to grow
Well here comes the firemen, (los bomberos) and the police (il policia) and they get to work!! Shutting down stores, moving folks around and setting up boundaries. I start thinking, " I hope some fool doesnt' lock us up in here". Give me my salad to go......remember I mentioned the heat?!
No need to say it - no sooner did I think "get it to go", than the waiter brings a to-go box, my bill (la cuenta) and follows everyone else out the door. ME TOO!!
Broke up my day!
All was good and the newpaper stated today that no one was hurt and the cause of the fire could have been the restaurant or the mission. It had not been determined as of yet.
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