Monday, May 12, 2008
The Central Market downtown San Jose
This is the Central Market at the end of the Pedestrian Mall in central San Jose. It covers at least one square block of the city. Let me tell you....you can find almost ANYTHING in here. They have all these winding, intersecting corridors lined with booths of housewares, souvenirs, food, spices, costumes (note the little girl with the "I can't believe Mommy is making me do this" look on her face), meats, fishes, flowers, coffee and numerous "sodas". A soda is a small cafe with a limited menu of local dishes and usually includes the "casado" which would be our blue-plate special. The casado would consist of a small portion of meat, chicken, beef, pork or fish, rice and beans, salad, fried plantain and a desert along with a "refresco" or juice. You can buy fruits and vegetables, leather goods, shoes, t-shirts, herbs and vitamins, pets and baskets. All sorts of items. This is one of my favorite places to browse and wander. I don't think I have ever exited the same way I entered. When you come visit, we will surely do this...You will LOVE it!!

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Looks like a nice place to shop. Was your salad good after all the excitement of the fire? Mom
I had eaten half of my salad when I got it to go. I ended up giving to a homeless lady on the street as I did not want to carry the salad, an umbrella, camera, and backpack. She seemed to appreciate it...I did see her eating it when I left the market, so I guess that was my good deed for the day.
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