I hope you all had the weekend you wanted!! Not much to report here. We did go to a karoke party on Saturday night and had a good time. Thank goodness I wasn't the only there who would be reduced to tears if Simon Cowell were judging......singing is not a talent I have, but hey, you join the party and give it a whirl.
Sunday Dennis had to work and I got invited to Andrew and Emma's for Sunday brunch waffles and it is always a good time at their house. They left last night on a red-eye to Amerstdam, Paris, and London. I am wishing them a most fab-u-lous time and safe return. Ray, who is the night manger for Cafe Mundo, one of San Jose's better restaurants and places to be seen, was there. Lots of laughs, stories to be told and time well spent with friends was how I spent my Sunday morning and after a great walk around the area I was ready for a good breakfast.
I took my camera with me this time as I have missed a couple of interesting shots on my walks. The above photo is of a Sunday morning soccer game. They love soccer like North Ameicans love football and fast food - can't seem to live without it. Sometimes, in some of the smaller towns, it looks like the town was built around the soccer field.
Well, back to the "grind". Love you all and have a great day.
glad you added music to your blog
Any other suggestions?
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